So it has been way past time for me to make another post. We have had a very difficult month and I haven't quit figured out how to share my month with you all. Every time I start to write about all the has happened here in our tiny town I end up erasing it. I guess I still don't know how to express it all.
So I will just leave it at that. I will share the fact that when flynt and I went to go to Tim's (He was the other guy that was ed next door to us) funeral we got to Flynts parents house at around 11:30pm and we were unloading the van when I hoped off the porch to get more stuff out of the van and I fell and heard the loudest POP! Then of course followed with large amounts of pain. OOOO that hurt!! I iced my foot and went to bed. We had planned on going to that funeral and ended up spending that Saturday hanging out at the E.R. in Safford. The Doctor there said that he thinks I tore the tendons in my ankle. It was sooooo huge and ugly at this point. So my sweet brother Ryan made a tobacco pulses (sp?) for my ankle when I got back home and wow that really helped with the swelling.
I just recently went back to the Doctor because my ankle still really hurts. So he ordered another xray. He also thinks it is my tendons and said that is sometimes take longer for the tendons to heal then it take a break to heal. So I need to be patient.
My most recent disaster happened last night. We were decorating our Christmas tree, and I am rather short so I got on a chair (I know not a smart plan when you have a bad ankle) to put some ornament up high. Well after I put them up I naturally wanted to admire them from a far. So i started to get off the chair and lost my balance and fell again. Nice! So of course I really hurt myself and cried while the kids were all so scared cause mom was crying. Luckily Flynt had caught part of my fall as I was going down so my ankle made it out ok. The reason I was crying wasn't the injured ankle it was because as I was falling my chair got a hold of my bottom. Yes this maybe to much for the weak stomached. The top of the chair went right up my rear end. Ewwwww that was so painful. Flynt says that is hurt so bad because square things aren't supposed to go up there. So not only do I hobble when I walk I now , walk like a stick is up my rear (oh wait a stick was up my rear), so now I cant sit without extreme pain. It almost reminds how my bottom feels after giving birth to a big 8lb 11 oz baby (that is Brooke). Flynt says that I am quit the sight to see. So after all the commotion I went to see the damage and this experience tore a hole in my under garments. Haahhaa. So I will end there with this long post.
Kayme vs. The Scissors
Kayme keeps loosing the battle to the scissors. I am time and time again finding locks of hair and kid scissors in various places. I feel that if this happens 1 more time the ultimate will happen the buzzers will come out and claim victory to Kayme!! She is looking more and more like a boy each and every personal trim. I try and think that maybe this new interest will mean free hair styles for me in the future. But until then AHHHHHH! Scarey Hair here we come. The Smith family wants to do family pics at Thanksgiving and I beleive Kayme maybe bald at that time. I love Kayme...She has so much spunk and independance for all 5 of my kids wrapped up in on tiny body!! She is hilarious!! This reminds me of her fingernail polish on Rachel's head days. Gotta Love her. HAHAHA
Halloween Day Stress and FUN!
Holly wanted to be a punk rocker and got herself completely ready! Thank you Holly for being so independant and creative. And little Rachel was a witch. She hated the hat!! Oh I almost forgot Preston (ryans 3rd child) was a skeleton. We had a very stressful day. But were able to get a bit of candy for the kids. I thought it was cool the fire dept came through my neighbor hood with lights flashing they would stop and the get out and give all the kids on the street candy. The kids that was pretty awesome, with the light and sirens blaring. I don't know a kid that doesnt like that.
Families are Forever
The Browers 1981
So I love this picture frame of me and all my siblings back in the year 1981. Rachelle is 7, Me 4, Kami 2, Ryan 10, Randy 9, Travis 5, Darren 2/3 (?). Any way whenever I look at me and my family I always wonder what we all thought we'd be doing when we grew up. I remeber wanting to be a dog groomer only because rachelle wanted to be one. haha We had a lot of good times together. I remeber helping Rachelle and her friends dress up darren like a girl and showing him to everyone all up and down our street in South Jordan. I remeber Travis's endless torment...we later became and have become very close. I remeber Kami...she was a great playmate. We had a club named Kamber we thought we were very creative. I loved playing dog catcher in the bassement in Utah and later in St Johns playing KC. We have been very blessed to be so close as siblings. We have been blessed with amazing parents who loved us enough to raise us in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel that in these hard times that knowing that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and will take care me pulls me through on a high note. I don't feel afraid (maybe concern) of this wolrd. We live in a wonderful time. I love my family and am so grateful for all of them each one has left a lasting impression on me. I am who I am because of them.
Getting Ready For Halloween
I love Halloween! It is fun to dress up and be someone else for a night. My kids are trying to figure out what they want to be this halloween. I am nervous because my face painting skills are rusty! So I am practicing for the real deal!!!
Brooke wants to be a Butterfly Princess this year so we are trying out different looks!
Holly just wanted a pumpkin (did I spell that right?) on her cheeck! Oh by the way her forehead is burnt my me, in the bathroom with a curiling iron (You know from game Clue)
Sunrise Ski Lift...We went Oct 11, 2008.
It was freezing cold at Sunrise. We all were excited to go for a ride on the lifts. I have never been in the fall and couldn't believe how beautiful it was. Wow. Well we went to Sunrise to get our kiddos free lift tickets for this season of snow skiing. :) We went with Camden and Marisa and their munchkins. We had a good time but froze. It is too early to be this cold. The kids loved riding up the Mountain on the lift.
Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam (Brooke)!!
Hey this was just to cute not to share with you all.
We were driving in the car and this was a cute conversation I had with Brooke (4yrs old)
Mom: "What church do you go to Brooke??"
Brooke: "Hmmm...we go to our church. "
Mom: "I know but what is the name of our church?"
Brooke: "We go to the Church of Jesus Christ AMEN!" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
I laughed she is so funny.
Then I said to her Brooke are we Christian?
Then she laughed and said "No mom I am Brooke, Christian is the boy that lives next door"!!
So of course I let her know that we are Christians.
And that I know that our Savior loves us and that we are all children of God.
I also let her know that he knows each of his children here on earth and that he made us all different.
I love being a mom, so fun.
We were driving in the car and this was a cute conversation I had with Brooke (4yrs old)
Mom: "What church do you go to Brooke??"
Brooke: "Hmmm...we go to our church. "
Mom: "I know but what is the name of our church?"
Brooke: "We go to the Church of Jesus Christ AMEN!" (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
I laughed she is so funny.
Then I said to her Brooke are we Christian?
Then she laughed and said "No mom I am Brooke, Christian is the boy that lives next door"!!
So of course I let her know that we are Christians.
And that I know that our Savior loves us and that we are all children of God.
I also let her know that he knows each of his children here on earth and that he made us all different.
I love being a mom, so fun.
I am day dreaming of the summer fun we had!!
I stole this pic from Marisa's Blog!! I just love it so much, I absolutely love my nieces and nephews and of course my own kids!! We were at Roosevelt Lake at the Smith Family Reunion! I'd have to say that Flynt did an excellent job setting up this memory building family time! Thanks BABE! Isn't that the hudgest (is that a word??) Tube! It was the best!
Deja Vu!!!! This was so perfect for our 10 year Anniversary!
For those of you that are lucky enough to have not heard our Honeymoon expeirence! Well this wouldn't be our 10 year anniversary trip if we didn't have car problems. So Fun!!
We were on the I5 heading to Disneyland! So fun right well of course this is fun we are kidless and having the time of our life, then suddenly the car start acting funny then it is pulling hard to the right we have a blow out great! We a flinging tire bits at everyone on the freeway!! Mind you this is California Freeway were everyone is sooooo polite and helpful. Everyone got right out of our way we were able to get over 4 lanes in no time. Amazing! Haha (people were scared to death of all the tire bits hitting there cars) Well we pull over and this is what we see. I said hey babe this is so perfect you are so romantic to try and reinact our honeymoon. (Flynt is just so thoughtful like that, the only thing we were missing was hmmm Tyrell, Melanie, Mom and Dad Smith) Oh well! Haha...
Nice tire! The tread was completely seperated.
Flynt even looks good changing a tire! How does he do it!! (notice all our stuff in the background) We spent some time finding a place to buy a new tire and having it mounted...So yes we were late for Disneyland. So much for the "MAGICAL" Kingdom. :) Just a side note by the end of our Anniversary trip we eneded up buy 3 new tires for mom smith's car. It was great really!! AND THANK YOU MOM SMITH for watching my little people at home whom I missed so much but also enjoyed being away from. Bitter Sweet!
We were on the I5 heading to Disneyland! So fun right well of course this is fun we are kidless and having the time of our life, then suddenly the car start acting funny then it is pulling hard to the right we have a blow out great! We a flinging tire bits at everyone on the freeway!! Mind you this is California Freeway were everyone is sooooo polite and helpful. Everyone got right out of our way we were able to get over 4 lanes in no time. Amazing! Haha (people were scared to death of all the tire bits hitting there cars) Well we pull over and this is what we see. I said hey babe this is so perfect you are so romantic to try and reinact our honeymoon. (Flynt is just so thoughtful like that, the only thing we were missing was hmmm Tyrell, Melanie, Mom and Dad Smith) Oh well! Haha...
What do you think of when you hear the words DEEP SEA FISHING?
Okay so I was mildely disapointed with what I caught when Flynt and I went Deep Sea Fishing! I was sure that I would catch something that I could mount and brag about for the rest of my life. Well as you can see I was just happy to actually catch something. Everyone else on the boat were able to catch ALOT of fish. NOT ME! I caught this! It is a Red Snapper. I swear I really had my mind set on catching a sword fish the size of Flynt. NOPE!!!
Flynt and I woke up at 5am to go Deep Sea fishing...tip!!! DO NOT WAKE UP EARLY ON VACATION!!! j/k I have always wanted to go Deep Sea fishing so I was excited to go!
This is the boat that took us out into the ocean to catch tiny fish. I am not bitter. Nope not at all.
I love the crisp evenings. I love the leaves falling. I love the smells of night. I love the nice cool days. I love fall!
Well actually I really just LOVE that my birthday and halloween are right around the corner!!
Well actually I really just LOVE that my birthday and halloween are right around the corner!!
Happy Birthday Rachel Danyael Smith
Rachel aka "Chachel" or "Chach"
Rachel is only 2months old in this pic and look how happy she is. Life is good. I love holding, singing to, feeding, and just looking and this sweet daughter of mine.
I love this priceless picture. This is Rachel and her Great Grandmother Katy Gibbons Lee. This photo was taken on Rachel's blessing day. Grandma Katy as my kids call her has said to me. Amber I feel that this baby remembers me from before we lived here on earth. I love that!
Last But Not The Least!!
Holly is showing off her abilities. "Look one hand!!" She is very confident in the water as you can see. Good Job Holly!!
ME totally Proud of myself!!
And Yes, I can wakeboard too. I can't get air like Flynt but here soon I will be doing 360s :)!! LOL!! Dreams are a wish our heart makes when your fast asleep. Haha. I love the Lake. We are heading off to Lake Roosevelt this weekend. I will post pictures when I get back.
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