Rachel was a sweet little baby right from the start. She was a little baby weighing 7lbs 12oz. This was the very first pic taken of her on her birthday. I believe she was born at 2:01am. The doctor told me that it is very rare for a baby to score a perfect 10 on the
AGAR (I think that is what it is called when test the reflex color, lung
ability etc.. I think???) Anyway she has been a sweetheart all year long.

Rachel is only 2months old in this pic and look how happy she is. Life is good. I love holding, singing to, feeding, and just looking and this sweet daughter of mine.

I love this
priceless picture. This is Rachel and her Great Grandmother Katy Gibbons Lee. This photo was taken on
Rachel's blessing day. Grandma Katy as my kids call her has said to me. Amber I feel that this baby remembers me from before we lived here on earth. I love that!

This is Rachel enjoying her slice of birthday cake! She is 1 year old and I have no ideas where the time has gone. I love you Rachel. Happy first Birthday. Thank you for choosing me as your mom. What an honor and a
privilege. Thank you
Happy Birthday Rachel!! That is the best picture of her and Grandma. That will be a very special picture to keep. Hello, send me your families e-mail addresses will ya!
Hey Amber!
Do you remember me? Kristen (Flygare.) I saw your blog link on Michell Hall's, I hope you don't mind my visiting. You have such a cute family! I am so happy to hear you are living back in SJ.
Remember the trek? Every time I do I remember how hilarious you were and it makes me laugh out loud. You are so great! Hopefully we will "run into" each other next time I am there.
Take care,
Kristen Hansen
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