I am in a Tri-Swap that Kristen (Flygare) Hansen started up! And this is what I got!! I was Boo-ed by Jaime (Szoke) Hulsey. And I have to add that she hand made the super cute pumkins! I love them. Thank you Jaime, you are an amazing lady!

So Brooke decided to be a blue butterfly and so this was her Halloween Mask! She loved it and felt very beautiful!

Ok so this Halloween was a little different! My older brother Ryan moved into town that very same day to find his rental house extremely dirty (cobwebs, grease stains, mold, need I say more)!! Eileen (sister-in-law) didn't want to move her things into this house. So they were and still are currently homeless. They are trying to find a different place to stay. So all afternoon Ryan and Eileen went on a search for a place to live so that left me with 9 kids to get dressed for Halloween. I also had my mom and dad coming and my sister-in-law Marisa coming for Trick or Treat. Well needless to say I was feeling overwhelmed a bit with getting all the kids ready and cooking a feast for such a large group. My dinner wasn't looking like it was going to be fininshed in time for all the company. I was panicing. So I feel so bad that when Marisa called to see if she could still come, I told her it was a bad day and that I wasn't sure how much fun our night was going to turn out. So I asked her not to come. I do feel so bad (SORRY MARISA!! I LOVE YOU DEARLY, I hope you aren't upset w/ me)...I just couldn't take on any more. I was tired and stressed (P.S. no lunch so I was also famished). So about dinner luckly my parents called and saved the day the were in Show Low and would pick up KFC for every one (THANK YOU MOM AND DAD, tender mercies). That really took a load off for me...I was then able to turn my full attention over to the 9 anxious trick or treaters. So I painted Jeremy (ryans youngest boy age 3) in a half mask like spiderman, Brooke as a butterfly, Rylee (ryans 2nd oldest) as a ghost, Kamry (ryans oldest) as a witch. I found a Hannah Motana Wig and put on a White Trash bag and went as "WHITE TRASH" (it got too sweaty so I took it off)!! I am so Politically Correct!! Kaiden was a ninja but was nowhere to be found for our picture (he was already out getting candy from the neighbors) Kayme was a Hershey Kiss and her cousin Kamry taught her to blow kisses to the people after they gave her candy at the door. So CUTE!!
Holly wanted to be a punk rocker and got herself completely ready! Thank you Holly for being so independant and creative. And little Rachel was a witch. She hated the hat!! Oh I almost forgot Preston (ryans 3rd child) was a skeleton. We had a very stressful day. But were able to get a bit of candy for the kids. I thought it was cool the fire dept came through my neighbor hood with lights flashing they would stop and the get out and give all the kids on the street candy. The kids that was pretty awesome, with the light and sirens blaring. I don't know a kid that doesnt like that.
What a night! I only had 4 to get ready, well three, since the baby went as "herself." And I was still a bundle of nerves. I decided not to dress up but go as myself, that was white trashy enough.
The kids got a load of junk and are quite determined to have it gone by Sunday. Good luck! Don't come to me if your belly hurts! (Ha, I love saying crap like that to them.)
Glad you enjoyed the swap. Those pumpkins are so cute! (I wish I could sew!)
What a super woman you are!!!! love and miss you all!
Wow!! You are so amazing! I woulda said forget the face painting, but then again I don't do that in the first place. The simpler the better for me--Yep, I'm lazy!! Hope you're doing well. My parents are having a BLAST in SJ!!
Wow, I missed you with your wig! :) Must have been towards the end of the night. lol Glad you enjoyed your boo package!
So sorry you had a stressful Halloween. I still think you handled it great! Too bad I wasn't there to help you! Maybe next year we'll come up for Halloween. Love you guys! Hope to see you soon!
What a cute family. I enjoyed your blog very much.
Hey guys, I found your blog tonight and I was reaaly excited too. Obviously so excited that I forgot how to spell. Your deep sea fishing experience looks like it was a ton of fun. Thats on my top 100 list. Your halloween faces were so great as well. Amber, your really talented!!
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