People in California were so nice to us. We usually get looks of pure disdain and disgust, when we take our huge family anywhere. Really we do but everyone in California would say the kindest things. It was very empowering. We went to Anaheim for Flynt business meetings for a little over a week. So me and 6 kids on a hotel room sound like a blast right? We really had fun. Every morning we would get up eat a lovely hotel breakfast. Which my kids thought was awesome. Then we would head back to our room get dressed to swim and wait for Karlee to take a nap (in the stroller). We would then trek it down to the pool and spend depending in the day 3-4 hours of swimming. My kids are part fish like their dad. Don't get me wrong I like the water but I wasn't born with gills like they are. I have to force them out of the pool to got get lunch usually this was around 1 or 2 pm. We would get ready for the day and either watch the Disney channel ( we don't have cable so this is a REAL treat to my kids) or we would go on adventure walks (finding many snails and slug) we found a mall one of the days and went to the movie. Bought some T-Shirts for Disneyland. Flynt would come "home" and then we would head to the beach. Because of the gills in my family, this was their favorite part of our trip they found many creature friends and loved the waves. m0re to come.... I need to put kids to bed.
Glad you all had fun! We look forward to seeing a lot more of you guys!
Awww Sounds like you are having a wonderful summer :)
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