

In true SJ brower fashion we have to try out several houses before we are happy. We moved to a beautiful new home in SJ but with more room. It is on 1 acre of land. I am loving it! Now that the boxes have "mostly" cleared. I have been able to sit and enjoy its beauty. We plan on getting a sprinkler system in as well as grass by the end of this month. Our other house...aka the old house is still ours and we are getting it ready to sale. Any one looking to buy a house? I will post pic of both eventually! haha hey just be happy i posted.


Leisha said...

I am really happy for you guys. I would love to see pictures of it:)

Stef said...

Gosh...it has been so long since I have been there. I wanna see about going there soon. And when I do, I would love to come see it!
I need to see some pictures of your cute little baby... come on...give in!

Kyerra said...

And boy is it a beautiful house!!! We're happy for you guys! *^^*