
I am feeling frustrated!!!

I am 34 weeks pregnant and cracked my pelvis.

One word that describes that is PAINFUL!!
I am grateful that my baby girl wasn't hurt in the process.
But, I walk slower than my almost 90 year old grandmother.
This is how all this came about:
Lets back up several months earlier. Lets say around January...
I went snow skiing with my family and was having a great time trying to get my skiing technique down...meaning I was going way slow...well a snowboarder came out of now where and plowed into the back of me hitting me with the snowboard right in the rear. Which caused me alot of pain and several visits with the Chiropractor. Well I thought that was annoying but it gets worse. Lets fast forward from that experience to about 2 weeks ago. I went to Big Lake to visit Flynt's Aunt and Uncle and cousins that were there from Tucson. We had a lot of fun roasting marshmellows and cathcing up. Well as it became late it was hard to see and I stumbled over a bunch of rocks and so I was trying to avoid falling on the baby bell which I was sucessful at...but in the process I did a fantasic pregnant lady splits. Well of course my first reaction and response was to quickly look around to see who might have seen my elagent fall and was rather proud that I was all alone in this fall. Well the next day I was rather sore from doing the splits and thought I might have hurt myself more than I thought. I was right. As time has gone on the pain has increased so I made a visit with the OB nurse practioner and she felt that I had cracked my pelvic bone and that there is nothing I can do about it because I am pregnant and can't get an xray. So we are going off of my symptoms. I feel embarassed of my peed pants walk and waddle that I want everyone to know as well as inform everyone of my incident so that no one thinks I am just a big pregnant women that has a very STRANGE waddle. This to shall pass...but until then OUCH, Ouch, ouch, OUCH!!!


B said...

I'm so sorry, that sounds so sad. We miss you!

Stef said...

See, that's just not right!! I think sometime the Lord lets things happen just so he can giggle...just a little. I am sorry, Amber! No fun!!

Cossebooms said...

Amber I am so sorry that happened. That is not fun! Wish I lived in town to help you out. But for now maybe we can stop by tomorrow to see what we can do for you. I hope things heal quickly and you feel a lot better.

Kandi said...

oh my word Amber, the lord must know that you are one strong person because just in the last few months you have really been through a lot. hurt your foot, got plowed over skiing, had a run in with a chair and now this. I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. Sorry I am not there to help but you will be in my prayers.

Jaime said...

Oh Amber, I'm sorry. Life just stays interesting for you. Flynt better have good health insurance on you!! WOW and only 6 weeks left-it was just yesterday you told me you were PG!

Jamie Sue said...

Sheesh lady!! I'm so sorry! I hope it feels better soon--NOT FUN!!

Rachelle and sometimes Katelyn said...

Ahhhh SIS, I wish I lived next to you to help you out, take the kids for the day, clean your house, bring you dinner, massage your feet, or do anything to relieve the pain you have been in. This has just been one heck of a pregnancy for you. It's a good thing those babies are so dang cute!! Hope you get some rest and relief soon.

kh said...

Oh my Amber! I really feel for you! I do, but if you didn't write your incident so dang funny I wouldn't have giggled when I read it. But now I am not giggling, and I am feeling sad for you... just think though, 6 weeks you will meet her and it will all be worth it.

Take Care!
Love ya,